About Fractals & Co

Our founder Jen Shoop created Fractals & Co to help businesses cut through complexity and "uncomplicate the complicated." With coaching, consulting, and facilitation, we help teams work better together, stay aligned, and see real results.



Founder of Fractals & Co. I’ve always been fascinated by fractal geometry—there’s something amazing about how, even in the middle of complexity, there’s always a pattern to be found.

It made me realize that even chaos has order, and with the right tweaks, you can reset it and head in a new direction.

That’s what inspired me to start Fractals & Co—a company focused on bringing calm to chaos and "uncomplicating the complicated." 


Jen started Fractals & Co because she kept seeing a recurring challenge: businesses often struggled with chaos—whether it was in their processes, their teams, or their execution.

Jen realized she had a natural ability to bring order to these situations, helping organizations find focus and direction where it undefined or lacking. With a background in operational excellence and process improvement, she built a career on turning complexity into clarity.

As a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Jen spent years helping businesses streamline their operations and execute on their vision, developing a system that is as approachable as it is effective.

Fractals & Co is the result of that journey—a company of brilliant minds focused on making sure great ideas don’t get lost in the chaos, but are turned into real, impactful results.


We do this because we know there’s always a better way to work.

We see the gaps that others might miss, and we thrive on helping businesses clear the roadblocks that slow them down.

We're passionate about simplifying complex processes, aligning teams around a common goal, and helping organizations execute more efficiently. Our goal is to help businesses achieve more with fewer obstacles, ensuring that teams can focus on what really matters.

At the core of our work is a belief that I can make work more fulfilling for teams while driving real, sustainable business outcomes.


At Fractals & Co, we believe in uncomplicating the complicated.

Simplicity is powerful—it cuts through the noise and helps businesses focus on what truly matters.

Collaboration is essential; by bringing people together, we solve problems faster and more effectively.

Change is an opportunity to streamline, improve, and grow.

Efficiency isn’t just about speed—it’s about removing the roadblocks that get in the way of progress.

When businesses simplify their operations, they unlock their full potential and create space for innovation and success.

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